2011-08-31 02:53:32 UTC
Posting this in case it's of interest to anyone. Clearly the world
authorities and their "news" media agencies are mostly interested in
enjoying their power and wealth and maintaining the status quo.
There is much information hidden from the public that when it is
widely known, can/will transform the world - taking the power away
from the richest and most corrupt minority, and putting it in the
hands of the majority. When that has taken place, we will see true
democracy, peace and governments that are truly for the people, rather
than for the super rich, while screwing the people.
In my experience, what we call UFOs, the flying saucers, come from the
planets of our own system. Not from the Pleiades, or Sirius or
somewhere outside our solar system, but from, mainly, Mars and Venus.
A few other planets like Jupiter and Mercury are involved, but the
vast majority of sightings of the UFOs come from Mars and Venus.
Practically all of them are made on Mars, even the Venusian ones. They
are Venusian in design, and they are quite distinct, different in
design and technology, but they are actually constructed on Mars. And
they are all constructed by thought.
The people in physical bodies on Mars and Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and
so on are not at the same level or vibration of physicality that we
experience. We know only three aspects of the physical: solid
physical, liquid physical and gaseous physical. Above gas there are
still four further levels of physical matter which so far have not
been discovered on this planet. When they are discovered we will
understand a great deal more about the nature and origin of disease,
the purpose of life on this planet and of the reality of life on other
The beings on Mars and Venus and the other planets are on the four
higher levels of the physical. If you went to Mars or Venus you would
see no one, but nevertheless they are in physical matter, and have
bodies made of that subtle, finer physical matter to which we give the
term etheric. We ourselves have bodies of dense physical, liquid
physical, gaseous physical and the four etheric physical planes but
we have not yet discovered the latter.
They have been demonstrated to exist by the great scientist and
psychologist Wilhelm Reich, who was a colleague and one-time assistant
of Freud. He died in an American prison in 1957. He was arrested for
purporting to treat diseases with instruments which he claimed
(correctly) attracted matter from the etheric planes, which he called
orgone energy. He saw it as one vast plane of orgone energy, which he
saw, rightly, as being everywhere in the universe, substanding the
outer solid physical plane. Esotericists understand the etheric plane
as four planes, becoming finer and finer as they go higher. The fourth
etheric is just above gas, and is invisible unless you have etheric
vision. The reality of this etheric energy, of what he called orgone
energy, was demonstrated palpably by Wilhelm Reich in various simple
experiments. Nevertheless, he was arrested because he used instruments
which he called the orgone accumulator, boxes which accumulated the
etheric energy of some levels, usually the two lower levels, the
fourth and the third etheric, to treat diseases including cancer and
various other diseases. In America that was deemed illegal. The Food
and Drug Administration arrested him, refused to allow him to prove
his work, and he died in prison.
Unless one understands the reality of the etheric levels of energy as
finer, subtler, levels of matter, one cannot begin to understand the
UFO phenomenon, and one cannot understand the creation of crop circles
because they are all related. The crop circles are created by
people, mainly from Mars and Venus, with a few exceptions from other
planets. The vast majority of them are Martian, some Venusian, and
they are all over the world. Crop circles are mainly in the south of
England, but they have been seen in America, Canada, Australia, New
Zealand, Peru all over the world to a greater or lesser degree. Our
planet, like all planets, has a magnetic field; its magnetic energy
travels in lines and criss-crosses, and where these lines cross is
formed, eventually, a vortex, a force centre. The space people, in
making the crop circles, are replicating on the dense-physical plane
these magnetic vortices in our planetary magnetic field. So there is
the planetary magnetic field on its own level, and then a physical
plane counterpart of that, which is being replicated by the space
people who are manning the UFOs, and creating the crop circles.
They have a great work in salvaging, in helping to restore the
equilibrium of our planet, in particular to nullify to some extent
within the karmic law the pollution of our planet. But for their
work in purifying our atmosphere, mopping up with implosion devices
the nuclear radiation which we pour into the atmosphere from our
nuclear reactors and experimentation, this world would be infinitely
more painful to live in
Above was excerpted from this article:
The reality and work of the Space Brothers
Most people believe what they are told, that there is no life on Venus
or the other planets, but the spaceships, the UFOs, have been seen by
thousands of people for years, mainly from Mars and Venus, which are
the nearest planets to us. The governments of the world for over 60
years have denied the existence of UFOs, which indeed in growing
numbers are active in our skies. The governments have hoodwinked the
public for their own reasons, probably mixed. They have sought to deny
the existence of UFOs, flying saucers, whereas people who have seen
them know that they are always present in our skies. The curious thing
is that while denying the existence of UFOs they have sought to
denigrate occupants of these non-existent craft as malicious,
threatening the wellbeing of humanity.
What is the motive for this curious non-exposure of a tremendous
event? The governments would say they want to avoid panic but beneath
that is the unacknowledged fear of loss of control and power, which a
welcoming approach to the Space Brothers would ensure. They know that
if humanity knew that the spacecraft in our skies were not aliens
but were here to aid and alleviate the suffering of humanity on this
planet, and with their obviously far more advanced technology, people
would demand that they are openly welcomed and their superior teaching
made available to them.
Earth scientists deny the existence of any form of life on Mars and
Venus and the other planets of the system. This is the result of their
inadequate understanding of the true range of matter. These scientists
acknowledge three planes solid, liquid and gaseous physical above
which, they have not the technology to measure. Therefore they believe
more does not exist, yet the Masters and all students of esotericism
know that there are four further states of matter above gas, the
etheric planes of matter. It is on the etheric planes that can be
found life on our sister planets, from Mars, on the lowest etheric
level, up to extraordinarily advanced planets like Vulcan, Venus,
Jupiter, Saturn, and planets like Mercury, Uranus and Neptune. Venus,
the alter ego of Earth, is in the last of its seven rounds or
incarnations (equivalent to our incarnational experiences), while
Vulcan is completely perfected.
Spacecraft from these planets create the crop circles of which the
largest number are seen in Wiltshire, the southwest of England,
because Maitreya is in London. These crop circles are the calling
cards of the people who man the UFOs, to acknowledge
ore asphyxiated. So we owe the Space Brothers a tremendous debt.
Maitreya when asked will talk about the Space Brothers. They are our
brothers and sisters of our own planetary system. We work together,
the Hierarchy of all the planets work together in a kind of
interplanetary parliament.
They are also engaged in a tremendous work of replicating on the
surface of our planet the grid of our magnetic field. This is
preparing the way for the science of light which is the technology
of the future. This will give us total, unlimited, safe power for all
our needs. It is obvious, therefore, that far from being alien,
malicious monsters to be feared, as they have often been presented to
the public, the Space Brothers are on a spiritual mission to help in
every way possible within the Laws of Karma to maintain the stability
and future health of Planet Earth.
Excerpted from Questions and Answers in the Nov 2009 issue of Share
May also be of use/interest:
UFOs FAQs: Benjamin Creme
authorities and their "news" media agencies are mostly interested in
enjoying their power and wealth and maintaining the status quo.
There is much information hidden from the public that when it is
widely known, can/will transform the world - taking the power away
from the richest and most corrupt minority, and putting it in the
hands of the majority. When that has taken place, we will see true
democracy, peace and governments that are truly for the people, rather
than for the super rich, while screwing the people.
In my experience, what we call UFOs, the flying saucers, come from the
planets of our own system. Not from the Pleiades, or Sirius or
somewhere outside our solar system, but from, mainly, Mars and Venus.
A few other planets like Jupiter and Mercury are involved, but the
vast majority of sightings of the UFOs come from Mars and Venus.
Practically all of them are made on Mars, even the Venusian ones. They
are Venusian in design, and they are quite distinct, different in
design and technology, but they are actually constructed on Mars. And
they are all constructed by thought.
The people in physical bodies on Mars and Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and
so on are not at the same level or vibration of physicality that we
experience. We know only three aspects of the physical: solid
physical, liquid physical and gaseous physical. Above gas there are
still four further levels of physical matter which so far have not
been discovered on this planet. When they are discovered we will
understand a great deal more about the nature and origin of disease,
the purpose of life on this planet and of the reality of life on other
The beings on Mars and Venus and the other planets are on the four
higher levels of the physical. If you went to Mars or Venus you would
see no one, but nevertheless they are in physical matter, and have
bodies made of that subtle, finer physical matter to which we give the
term etheric. We ourselves have bodies of dense physical, liquid
physical, gaseous physical and the four etheric physical planes but
we have not yet discovered the latter.
They have been demonstrated to exist by the great scientist and
psychologist Wilhelm Reich, who was a colleague and one-time assistant
of Freud. He died in an American prison in 1957. He was arrested for
purporting to treat diseases with instruments which he claimed
(correctly) attracted matter from the etheric planes, which he called
orgone energy. He saw it as one vast plane of orgone energy, which he
saw, rightly, as being everywhere in the universe, substanding the
outer solid physical plane. Esotericists understand the etheric plane
as four planes, becoming finer and finer as they go higher. The fourth
etheric is just above gas, and is invisible unless you have etheric
vision. The reality of this etheric energy, of what he called orgone
energy, was demonstrated palpably by Wilhelm Reich in various simple
experiments. Nevertheless, he was arrested because he used instruments
which he called the orgone accumulator, boxes which accumulated the
etheric energy of some levels, usually the two lower levels, the
fourth and the third etheric, to treat diseases including cancer and
various other diseases. In America that was deemed illegal. The Food
and Drug Administration arrested him, refused to allow him to prove
his work, and he died in prison.
Unless one understands the reality of the etheric levels of energy as
finer, subtler, levels of matter, one cannot begin to understand the
UFO phenomenon, and one cannot understand the creation of crop circles
because they are all related. The crop circles are created by
people, mainly from Mars and Venus, with a few exceptions from other
planets. The vast majority of them are Martian, some Venusian, and
they are all over the world. Crop circles are mainly in the south of
England, but they have been seen in America, Canada, Australia, New
Zealand, Peru all over the world to a greater or lesser degree. Our
planet, like all planets, has a magnetic field; its magnetic energy
travels in lines and criss-crosses, and where these lines cross is
formed, eventually, a vortex, a force centre. The space people, in
making the crop circles, are replicating on the dense-physical plane
these magnetic vortices in our planetary magnetic field. So there is
the planetary magnetic field on its own level, and then a physical
plane counterpart of that, which is being replicated by the space
people who are manning the UFOs, and creating the crop circles.
They have a great work in salvaging, in helping to restore the
equilibrium of our planet, in particular to nullify to some extent
within the karmic law the pollution of our planet. But for their
work in purifying our atmosphere, mopping up with implosion devices
the nuclear radiation which we pour into the atmosphere from our
nuclear reactors and experimentation, this world would be infinitely
more painful to live in
Above was excerpted from this article:
The reality and work of the Space Brothers
Most people believe what they are told, that there is no life on Venus
or the other planets, but the spaceships, the UFOs, have been seen by
thousands of people for years, mainly from Mars and Venus, which are
the nearest planets to us. The governments of the world for over 60
years have denied the existence of UFOs, which indeed in growing
numbers are active in our skies. The governments have hoodwinked the
public for their own reasons, probably mixed. They have sought to deny
the existence of UFOs, flying saucers, whereas people who have seen
them know that they are always present in our skies. The curious thing
is that while denying the existence of UFOs they have sought to
denigrate occupants of these non-existent craft as malicious,
threatening the wellbeing of humanity.
What is the motive for this curious non-exposure of a tremendous
event? The governments would say they want to avoid panic but beneath
that is the unacknowledged fear of loss of control and power, which a
welcoming approach to the Space Brothers would ensure. They know that
if humanity knew that the spacecraft in our skies were not aliens
but were here to aid and alleviate the suffering of humanity on this
planet, and with their obviously far more advanced technology, people
would demand that they are openly welcomed and their superior teaching
made available to them.
Earth scientists deny the existence of any form of life on Mars and
Venus and the other planets of the system. This is the result of their
inadequate understanding of the true range of matter. These scientists
acknowledge three planes solid, liquid and gaseous physical above
which, they have not the technology to measure. Therefore they believe
more does not exist, yet the Masters and all students of esotericism
know that there are four further states of matter above gas, the
etheric planes of matter. It is on the etheric planes that can be
found life on our sister planets, from Mars, on the lowest etheric
level, up to extraordinarily advanced planets like Vulcan, Venus,
Jupiter, Saturn, and planets like Mercury, Uranus and Neptune. Venus,
the alter ego of Earth, is in the last of its seven rounds or
incarnations (equivalent to our incarnational experiences), while
Vulcan is completely perfected.
Spacecraft from these planets create the crop circles of which the
largest number are seen in Wiltshire, the southwest of England,
because Maitreya is in London. These crop circles are the calling
cards of the people who man the UFOs, to acknowledge
ore asphyxiated. So we owe the Space Brothers a tremendous debt.
Maitreya when asked will talk about the Space Brothers. They are our
brothers and sisters of our own planetary system. We work together,
the Hierarchy of all the planets work together in a kind of
interplanetary parliament.
They are also engaged in a tremendous work of replicating on the
surface of our planet the grid of our magnetic field. This is
preparing the way for the science of light which is the technology
of the future. This will give us total, unlimited, safe power for all
our needs. It is obvious, therefore, that far from being alien,
malicious monsters to be feared, as they have often been presented to
the public, the Space Brothers are on a spiritual mission to help in
every way possible within the Laws of Karma to maintain the stability
and future health of Planet Earth.
Excerpted from Questions and Answers in the Nov 2009 issue of Share
May also be of use/interest:
UFOs FAQs: Benjamin Creme