Analysis of the of Mark Kennedy etc infiltrator affair (sick)
(too old to reply)
The Greenwood is Magic
2011-03-01 12:19:51 UTC

Jah Bles
The Greenwood is Magic
2011-03-04 07:55:25 UTC
Post by The Greenwood is Magic
Jah Bles
This link was posted onto of Mark Kennedy etc thread on UK.Indymedia.
Inevitably it was deleted. UK Indymedia moderation doesn't want you to
have this overstanding. UK Indymedia doesn't want you to know what a
total and complete bunch of clueless nazi wankers the Donga Tribe
clique can be. You need to understand what a bunch of idiots the
politico activist clique that moderated places like Indymedia UK are.

The reality is that the source reason why the west is blocked from
awareness and respect for the living Mother Earth as a pagan entity
that is alive, and also in terms of a magical/occult energy, is
screaming ritual abuse including ritual child abuse. Thus the *CRUX*
solution is to break this malaign energy community wide, and to
foculise or whatever a sound energy reality instead. The Dongas are
plastics, egoising idiots that are still within babylon system in
these terms. This is true for some other 'new age' type senarios as
well. I partly know the score about this through the attitude of these
fucking morons towards me! Yes indeed relevant fucking scum, I'm not a
paedophile, stop projecting this evil onto me, this stuff really did
happen to my ex partner Jayne, it really is source energy of babylon
vampire ritual abuse system. You should have realised that by now, you
should have made, or been made to make, very very very very serious
amends by now. How can I do any work in my woodland business with you
clueless white racist wankers doing this around me...circulating the
malicious gossip that you are doing? How fucking dare you! Where, just
fucking where do you people get off?

This 'situation', hostility and hate towards me on the ground in the
real world, is practically totally out of control. You will pay very
very very very dearly for this you bunch of total and complete scum.
Mark my words.
The Greenwood is Magic
2011-03-04 08:02:45 UTC
Post by The Greenwood is Magic
Jah Bles
SO, if you have a genuine collective anarchy senario, if you have
genuine tribal sovereignty etc etc, then you also have a karmic trap,
a chaos trap, a pyscological/spiritual trap for babylon ritual abuse
system and its agents. The Donga Tribe clique didn't do this. They did
the oppossite. I know, I lived on site for a while with these fucking
idiots. The inner clique of the activist scne does not do this. I
know, I saw where they were at at the Rampart Street centre in London.
They did the opposite, they were within the control of babylon ritual
abuse system and at least one of its agents, Mark Kennedy. BUT will
these egotistic wankers have respect for this teaching?! No of course
not, because they are know all overempowered fucking pricks...who make
siren calls for 'unity' (mmmmaaaaannnn), instead of seeing that they,
their way of thinking, is the reason why these state agents can
infiltrate in the first place!
The Greenwood is Magic
2011-03-11 22:00:25 UTC
Post by The Greenwood is Magic
Post by The Greenwood is Magic
Jah Bles
SO, if you have a genuine collective anarchy senario, if you have
genuine tribal sovereignty etc etc, then you also have a karmic trap,
a chaos trap, a pyscological/spiritual trap for babylon ritual abuse
system and its agents. The Donga Tribe clique didn't do this. They did
the oppossite. I know, I lived on site for a while with these fucking
idiots. The inner clique of the activist scne does not do this. I
know, I saw where they were at at the Rampart Street centre in London.
They did the opposite, they were within the control of babylon ritual
abuse system and at least one of its agents, Mark Kennedy. BUT will
these egotistic wankers have respect for this teaching?! No of course
not, because they are know all overempowered fucking pricks...who make
siren calls for 'unity' (mmmmaaaaannnn), instead of seeing that they,
their way of thinking, is the reason why these state agents can
infiltrate in the first place!
..that is mindless egotistical 'unity' in face of the infiltration
attempts - a projection of the problem I wood say, rather than people
realising that they need to take a very serious look at themselves and
their scene. Will the silly wankers do this? No! of course not.
Egoising cunts.

Another, but possibly related issue..

Check this out:


(specifically as in the ritual abuse head trips (just description of
head trip not actual masonic abuse practices or anything, 'lovely
gorgeous Sarrr--rrreeeeeerrrr', so you needent worry about your
precious white skin being contaminated by the fukingt reality of
babylon system you silly little girl)

Also check out this:


This warrior woman is old school (1970's) AIM (American Indian
Movement). Read the blogs from the base up. What she means by the 'sea
sheppard wiccans' are white racist ritual abuser virus..(not actual SS
operatives). I describe in the above link how their ritual abuse
manifests. These wankers need to be taught a very very very very
serious lesson in respect.

Jah Bles
The Greenwood is Magic
2011-03-16 11:56:35 UTC
People like Brighton City Council need to very seriously consider whether they should be providing facilities for white racists like the racist activist clique in the 'Cowley Club'.

Thank you.
